Tuesday, 21 June 2016

The new schedule?!

Hello once again, my friends!
I finally created a new schedule of posting blogs, but I am not sure how strict it will be! :O
I hope I will write more often, because I love making blogs! 

I thought about posting new blogs every Tuesday and Thursday. What do you think about it?
Actually, my first plan was to write every Monday-Wednesday-Friday, but I found it slightly difficult to write that often, but we will see and I will of course let you know the final decision!
Have a lovely day!
Online Lover loves internet, xoxo


  1. I'm glad that you listened to my latest comment xD.Now I know when you're going to upload new posts and I cannot wait for the new ones sooooooo see you in the next post! xx

    1. I am glad, thank you so much for support! xx
